na·tive adjective \ˈnā-tiv\
grown, produced, or originating in a particular place or in the vicinity :  local
— The Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Locally sourced spring water in environmentally responsible packaging



We always source locally so we can always be Native to wherever we are. If we’re selling water in New England then the water is sourced from natural springs in The Berkshires and The Green Mountains. If we’re selling in a different setting then the source is from that particular area. 

We don't believe in long shipping routes.


Nearly nine out of 10 Americans (89%) consider where a product is produced when making food purchasing decisions, and two-thirds (66%) would pay more for food that is produced close to home. Although locally sourced food provides environmental, economic and health benefits, consumers state supporting local businesses (64%) is the primary reason for buying local. Other motives include:

  • 39% believe the taste and quality of the product is better
  • 31% have more trust in the standards for locally produced foods than other regions or countries
  • 28% believe the products are healthier
  • 26% think it's better for the environment when food doesn't travel as far

               Why drink water from across the country or around the globe?







Locally sourced water in an environmentally responsible, 100% post-consumer recycled plastic bottle. BPA FREE

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Where to Go Native!

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